Thursday, February 25, 2010

Chicken noodle soup with a soda on the side

The 5th iteration of Ant Boogie's highly successful dance party, Look Who Came to Dance, was held at one of the hottest spots in NYC's infamous meatpacking district earlier this month and had to be one of the better parties I've been to so far this year. Now if you haven't experienced a LWCD party before, I will tell you that unless you're dance repertoire extends beyond the Harlem shake, it can be a little intimidating. Luckily there are people who work behind the bar that can help. Filled with about 45 dollars worth of liquid courage, I busted out the toe wop, the chicken wing, and even a bit of the robot. The place was roaring! I was tearing up the dance floor so hard I could even hear Queen Latifah cheering me on!

Then I was told to put my shirt back on. It really helps that everyone's there just to have a good time.

For more LWCD:

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Check out these Basterds

If you haven't seen Quentin Tarantino's latest film Inglorious Basterds, I hope you have a darn good reason. The Oscar nominated film, with a tremendous performance by Christoph 'that's a bingo' Waltz, is easily Tarantino's best film since Pulp Fiction. With that PSA out of the way... Tarantino and co. teamed up with some of today's freshest artists to create new/lost poster art for the film and to help raise money for victims of the Haiti earthquake in an gallery exhibition held last Thursday. Here are some of FMG's favorites. Check out the rest here.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Removing the Old while adding some Spice

I like Old Spice and I bet I’m not the only one, but it’s a well documented fact that it smells like Dad. Unfortunately Dad doesn't usually personify sexy, and if you know me, I need all the sexy I can get. Good thing Old Spice noticed and with its latest commercial, is working on bringing sexy back to the 70+ year old fragrance.

Enjoy, but no need to be jealous because hey, at least he’s not on a horse.

Aww crap.